Monday, December 24, 2018

Impact Assessment of Recurrent Droughts on Agricultural and Pastoral Communities in Somaliland

Abstract: The study focuses on the assessment of the impacts of recurrent droughts on agricultural and pastoral communities in Baligubadle and Gabiley Districts of Marodiheh Region, Somaliland. Many parts of this country with limited water availability pose serious challenges to development. In the year 2008, it estimated that 150,000 pastoralists in the coastal areas were affected. The study adopted both a qualitative and quantitative approach. The quantitative data gathered was analyzed using SPSS, while qualitative data were analysed using content analysis, themes, explanations, descriptions and photography. The sample size used was 384 and this was drawn from the target population of 14560 respondents based on Solvents formula for sample selection. The findings showed that the impact of the drought is reflected in a failed harvest of crops and Livestock production. The frequent droughts severely affected them leading to experience food insecurity, limited water for both human and animal consumptions. The highest proportion of the study attributes the causes of the recurrent drought to Natural factor endowment (rainfall scarcity), while others associate it to factors like deforestation, soil erosion. Possible drought tolerance mechanisms were based on variables like relevancy of services, actual service delivered, quality, and quantity. In conclusion, the objectives of the study were attained, respondents were able to point drought directly by identifying its impacts and effects on livestock and crops in individuals, household and community levels. The study recommends that agricultural extension and veterinary service delivery should receive massive investment and a renewed commitment and vision to generate a fundamental change in the lives of poor livestock and crop farmers. Most important fall, afforestation, reforestation, agro-forestation and refrain from environmental degradation through forest cover clearance and charcoal burning must be a priority. It also recommends the above areas to be further studied by NERAD and relevant ministries. Download Paper

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Translated SDGs into Somali

On 25 September 2015, Member States of the United Nations adopted 'Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,' and with it 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is intended as "a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity that seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom."

The SDGs work in the spirit of partnership and pragmatism to make the right choices now to improve life, in a sustainable way, for future generations. They provide clear guidelines and targets for all countries to adopt in accordance with their own priorities and the environmental challenges of the world at large. The SDGs are an inclusive agenda and tackling the root causes of poverty and unite us (people in the planet) together to make a positive change for both people and planet. “Poverty eradication is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda, and so is the commitment to leave no-one behind,” 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Hooyadii Bulshadeeda nalka u shiday!

Maryam Banbara waa Hooyo ku nool degsiimo miyi ah oo ku taalla wadanka Sinigaal; waa Injineer ku shaqeeya qalabka Soolarka ee dabka ka dhaliya iftiinka cadceedda, oo ay ku soo baratay wadanka Hindiya iyadoo ay bulshadeedu u diratay inay usoo barato cilmigan Soolarka ee ay baahida daran u qabeen. Waxaanu ku booqanay Qolkeedii Soolarka ee xaafadda Keur Simbara, illaa 200  oo qoys ayay farsamo yaqaan u tahay, weliba intaa waxa u dheer imika deegaanada la jaarka ahna caan ayay ka tahay maadaama oo ay bedesho unugyada Soolarka ka xumaada oo hab macmal ah oo ay iyadu hal abuurtay ay u farsamayso.

Waxaa na xiiso iyo karti geliyey; Haweenaydan oo da’ ahaanna aad aragtaan inay u safartay muddo saddex bilood ahna ku maqnayd wadan debedeed si ay u daboosho baahi bulshadeedu u kadeednayd; ka dibna ay ka haqab tirto qoys kasta oo bulshadeeda ka mid ah inuu ileys shito iyagoon lacag badan bixinayn. Qoys kasta waxay bishii bixiyaan $2 (labo doolar) mid iyadaa mushahar u qaadata; ka kalena waxaa loo dhigaa adeegga Soolarka wixii ka xumaada, waa hooyo firfircoon oo bulshaduna ixtiraam weyn u hayso, ‘xaafad isku filan dheh; markay adeega laydhka timaad’.
Inaad Bulshadaada baahi ka dabooshaa waa masuuliyad ku saaran; oo aan da’ iyo xayn daab kale toona kaaga xidhnayn waa adiga iyo goortaad fahamto ood bilawdo!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Kulankii dhaymaha qaranka (Qabyaaladdiid)

Kulankii qabyaalad-diidka ee ka qabsoomay magaalada Burco 29-30 March 2018; wuxuu ahaa kulan aan ka baaqday balse qalbigaygu ka qaybgalay, waan bogaadinayaa dhallinyarada is xilqaantay ee u istaagay inay bulshadooda baraarujiyaan, xalna u raadiyaan mushkiladan.

Qabyaaladdu waa masiibada ugu weyn ee haysata qarankan Somaliland, kasoo bilaw xilligii laga xoroobaayay gumaystaha ogow wixii Xamar ina geeyey waxay ahayd inaynu qabiilooyinkeena kala badbaadinno; marka si dhab ah loogu fiirsado arrintaas; walaw aan si cilmiyeysan loo baadhin hadana illaa hadda inta laga qoray waxay muujinaysaa isu muuqadka qabiilooyinka ayaa keeney inaynu qarankeennii ku dhex tuurno meel aynaan garanahayn waxa inagaga soo baxaaya, dabadeedna weynagii eednay. Maanta oo laga joogo 58 sano weli waa masiibada ina haysata, ee saboolnimada iyo sidaynnu nahayba inoogu wacan, xalkeeduna waa arrinta shirka Burco lafa guray maanta.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Socdaalkii Senegal: Kaga bogo halkan

Wadanka Sinigaal ‘Senegal’ wuxuu ku yaallaa cidhifka galbeed ee qaaraddan cagaaran ee Afrika, wuxuu deris kala yahay dhinaca bari wadamada Guinea iyo Guinea Bissau, waqooyina Mauritania iyo Mali, Inta kalena bad-weynta Atlantic, waxaa xusid mudan inuu wadanka Gambia sidoo kale yahay wadan ku dhexjira Senegal oo dhinackasta uu kaga wareegsanyahay xagadda baddda mooyaane.
Taariikhda cusub ayuun baynu ku bilaabaynaaye, wuxuu xornimada ka qaatay wadanka Faransiiska 1964kii, waxaana madaxweynihii ugu horeeyey noqday Léopold Sédar Senghor oo xukumaayay 1964-1980kii; ahaana nin Kiristaan ah iyadoo wadanku yahay 94% Muslim, haye! Bal kasitee, waxaana xigay Abdou Diouf 1980 illaa 2000 waxaana bedeley Abdoulaye Wade oo xilka hayay 2000-2012kii, waxaana hadda madaxeyney ka ah Macky Sall oo isna Kiristaan ah.
‘Waxaa xusid mudan in wadankani yahay ka keliya ee galbeedka qaarada ku yaalla ee aan Af-gembe Meleteri ka dhicin weligii”